Thursday, November 8, 2012


Believe it or not dairy products hide in bread all the time! Really, you say? Yes!  You will usually find dairy products hiding in pre-packaged foods. Think Wonderbread and Pepperidge Farm.
YOUR BEST BETS FOR BREAD ARE ITALIAN OR FRENCH BREAD! The reason being is because they use oil in their dough instead of butter, whey or milk.

The Italian or French bread is also usually healthier for you. You say “I can’t find gourmet bread in my area!”  Simple. Make it yourself. You can use a bread machine or mix the dough by hand, then bake it in the oven. Not much in this world smells better than freshly baked bread. Or if you don’t want to make it, then get online and google “bread” in your area. Find a great bakery and stock up. Call in advance and see if they make any without milk. You can buy several loaves (use some coupons here) and freeze it. Bread freezes very well and I’ve kept mine for about six months in the freezer without any problems.

Another thing you can do is use pizza dough. I’ve used very thin crusted pizza (plain with no toppings) as sandwich bread. It’s really delicious.

Italian Type Breads                                       French Type Breads

Ciabbata                                                        Baguette

Traditional White Italian                              Batard

(like you’d see in an Italian restaurant)        Pain de Campagne

Another note: just because the bread says Italian or French dosen’t mean they automatically contain no milk ingredients. You must check labels! Two very good examples: French BRIOCHE and French CROISSANTS! Both contain milk! Stay away from these!

Rye bread usually has “lactic acid” in its ingredient list which can be a problem for some people with lactose intolerance. Beware!
Once again, usually FRESH bread is better than packaged bread. And if it’s fresh Italian or French, it’s less likely to have any milk products lurking.




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