Friday, November 9, 2012


If you need to go to the deli or lunchmeat counter and order something for lunch, if you're lactose intolerant, you may have a problem. As a rule of thumb here, MOST lunch meats have lactose in them. Think bologna, olive loaf, pepperoni, salami, ham, turkey, cheese (obviously!), etc. You have to be really carefull with prepared foods.

To be safe, you can order PLAIN roast beef, or turkey (like they serve on Thanksgiving). If that dosen't work for you, you can make plain oven roasted chicken and slice it really thin for your sandwich. Also, tuna is a great option (with an oil and vinegar dressing).

You can also ask the person working at the counter. If they're not mean, they may be able to help you find something that is lactose free! Don't be afraid to ask.


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