Monday, November 19, 2012


I was shocked to discover that some kinds of potato chips have lactose in them! When I think of chips, I think of slices potatoes, oil and salt. However, a couple years ago I was buying a bag of barbeque potato chips for a party, turned the bag around and there it was in the ingredient list: NONFAT MILK! I was so shocked!

(Just to clear up any confusion: the chips pictured above- Lays Classic chips are safe to eat and free from any milk products).

Now there are some obvious offenders: sour cream and onion, cheddar cheese and ranch chips. But there are some that are not so obvious (including Lays barbeque chips).

The following kinds of chips CONTAIN milk products:

Lays Mesquite Barbeque Kettle Chips
Lays Honey Barbeque Chips
Lays Baked Barbeque Chips

Usually the offending ingredient is in the form of nonfat milk, but it could also be buttermilk, buttermilk solids, whey, natural flavor (from milk) and hidden cheese powder.

Be sure to check all labels before you buy! I am by no means singling out Lays chips. There are many other brands of chips which may contain milk products. I am just using Lays because I've seen them in the supermarket, tried to buy them and had to put them back. They are also one of the most popular brands of chips in the United States. To be safe, just buy plain potato chips (with just salt and no flavoring).


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