Sunday, September 30, 2012


Okay guys! For candy, there are so many choices, but where to start? Well, first, don’t ignore the obvious. You’re pretty much okay with any clear candies ie: jolly ranchers, peppermint hard candy, anise hard candy, etc. If it’s clear, there usually are no milk products in there.
Also, summer candy is usually pretty safe. Look for cotton candy, button candy (the little dots on the white paper that you peel off), licorice, most mints, marshmallow candy (fake) ice cream cone candy, push up lipstick, gummy pears,etc.
Sometimes, you can find dark chocolate pieces that don't have milk products hiding in their ingredient list. Also, sometimes some brands of European candy are lactose just have to check the labels.

Other choices are bubble gum and candy canes (at Christmas time).

LACTOSE (obviously)….but milk can hide under other names such as MILK FAT, WHEY, WHEY POWDER, MILK SOLIDS, WHEY SOLIDS, MILK CHOCOLATE, CASEIN…I’m sure there are others I’ve forgotten to mention.

There are some serious offenders, including Werther’s original, any kind of milk chocolate candy bars including (but not limited to) Mars Milky Way Bars, Snickers, M&Ms, Reese’s Pieces and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
With Halloween coming up, it’s especially important to keep your children from getting into any candy that may harm them. CHECK LABELS!!! One can never be too prudent!




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