Monday, October 22, 2012


If you go into a restaurant and need to order a lactose free meal, there’s no need to worry!

I have some old standbys. A hamburger (plain, with no mayo or cheese). A salad (with lactose free oil and vinegar or balsamic dressing). A turkey club sandwich (with no ham, bacon, mayo, cheese or butter –and make sure they don’t grill the sandwich in butter which they commonly do). Spaghetti with tomato sauce (no alfredo sauce, meatballs or parmesan cheese). Steak with steamed broccoli and a baked potato (with no butter or sour cream).

If in doubt, ask the waitress! They’ll usually work with you! Some menu items can be made with oil instead of butter.

As a general rule of thumb, try to avoid fried products as they usually have milk in the batter. Also avoid anything cream based. Also avoid most desserts. If you must have dessert, you can have fresh fruit or sorbet. You could even try tea or coffee.


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